12. Power On Modes


The Level Up module will intelligently go to sleep to conserve battery power. If the module is connected to external power (12 VDC or USB) the module will not go to sleep and will remain awake to monitor sensors, EMS (Pro Only) and motion continuously.

The module will automatically wake up when one of the following events occurs:

12.1. Timer

The Level Up module will automatically wake once every 10 minutes and record the events of the internal sensors and EMS status. Once the measurements are complete the module will return to sleep.

12.2. Trailer Movement

The Level Up module will automatically wake up when the module detects motion. This could be caused by the door opening and someone stepping into the trailer or climbing the ladder to get to the roof. The module will stay awake until 60 seconds after the motion has stopped before returning to sleep, unless connected to external power.

12.3. Ext Power State Change

The Level Up Pro module will automatically wake up if the module detects either a 12 VDC or USB external power source. The Level Up module will continue to stay on indefinitely or until the external power source is removed.

12.4. EMS Status Change

The Level Up Pro module will automatically wake up if there is a status change in the EMS. The Level Up module will stay on indefinitely as long as the EMS detect power at the pedestal and is passing AC into the RV.

12.5. Power Up Failure

There are a number of reasons this could happen:

  • Battery was removed

  • Battery Protection Pull Tab is still inserted between the battery and module

  • The power switch (if equiped) is set to the off position

  • Battery voltage is low. This can occur if the trailer has been in storage for more than a month with no external power. The Level Up module will fail to power up if the internal battery falls below 3.3 volts.


The Level Up module will automatically restart once the external power has been restored and the battery voltage is greater than 3.3 VDC.